
is a wellness brand that leverages 3D AR graphics and print marketing to promote better mental health for those experiencing burnout.

3D Environments

A total of three scenes were created in Blender to transport the viewer into scenes that promote calm relaxation. Studies prove that those exposed to nature have less anxiety, depression and stress. The goal is to transport viewers into nature and focus on colour theory to promote relaxation.

The desert scene showcases mountains and various types of cactus and other desert plants to enable the viewer to enjoy the heat of the desert without getting burned.

The Jungle is a scene packed with greenery.  Plants like palm trees, ferns, and other tropical plants litter the ground while the midday sun peaks out. The goal of using green is to promote a sense of growth and new beginnings commonly associated with green. Plus, who wouldn’t want to see a palm tree? 

The Desert 

The beach scene features cliffs, water and a moonlit sky to relax the viewer with memories of listening to the waves late at night on the cooled sand.

Research has proven that different colours promote relief and relaxation depending on the individual. This scene focuses on blue tones to promote feelings of ease and calm.

Want to experience them all?

Scan the QR Codes below with your camera app

The Jungle 

The Beach 



The archway represents the doorway to enter into the 3D environments. Adding an outline to the archway shows dimension by utilizing depth to represent the immersive 3D environments. Finally, The steps represent stepping into a new space and also taking steps to alleviate stressful symptoms of burnout.


Classic contrast with a twist

The colours comprise of a warm white and a offset black to create a stark contrast that will ensure legibility and readability on the graphics of 3D environments.



Used as a header to grab attention
An all caps serif type face with elegance and curves.


Slim and Supportive

The main shapes used are the decorative star and simplified doorway. Lines may be used in smaller amounts but must have a thin stroke to create contrast and balance.


Used in smaller headers and body text. 
Bold, Oblique and Regular
Recognizable and highly legible.

Way Finding

This interactive poster is for those who escape into their phone to avoid the stressors of everyday life. The poster is reflective and shows the user on their phone and then calls them out for escaping into their phone.

The "Follow Me" is a multipurpose CTA that invites the viewer to scan the QR code or follow the direction of the sign towards a poster. This deliverable was originally photographed with my DSLR and then I used Blender to composite the 3D material and reflection of the sky into the edited image.


North Star (Branding, 3D Modelling, Art Direction)